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The Nature People Network

Striving for a Sustainable Environment


Covid19, a changing climate, and a deteriorating environment have all taught humanity the need to strengthen its approach on sustainability to better ensure a just and a liveable future. No other time than now requires people of all ages to make informed, rational, and well thought decisions centered on carefully measuring and mitigating their impact on the environment. Keeping some of these things in mind, The Nature People Network operates with a vision to globally deal with 



Encouraging and Contributing to the Development of a Sustainable 21st Century through Supporting those that are Protecting the People and Preserving Our Planet and the Environment.


As an organization in the 21st century, we recognize the importance  of preserving the land and water for nature while at the same time empowering local communities as they are the true custodians of some of the planet's endangered biodiversity and landscapes. It is from this understanding that led to the creation of the Nature People Network, which places the communities and sustainable businesses at the forefront of conservation efforts and the empowerment of local people in all climate, biodiversity and conservation related projects. We envision to play a role in the development of a society where nature and its wild inhabitants are conserved by empowering local people and their traditions.


We work towards bringing together grassroots organizations conserving lesser known endangered landscapes to present on their work and getting them connected to key policymakers, institutions, influencers, and grantors. Target nations include G20 member countries, and webinars are designed to encourage a conversation about the need to integrate 30X30 biodiversity target planning within a G20 dialogue framework.

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