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Bear and Hyena Sanctuary

The Nature People Network is trying to get a small patch of land conserved. The land is located right next to a village in Katghora district of Chhattisgarh. The landscape is inhabited by sloth bears. A survey of the landscape by the Nature People Network revealed the presence of stripped hyenas as well. The Nature People Network compiled a reconnaisance report which was subsequently shared with the DFO, Katghora along with various other conservationists. A public version of the report can be downloaded from this page. Along with the report, the Nature People network also collaborated with Dubai based French Wildlife Photographer Remi Vacher to make a documentary on the landscape and cohabitaion of villagers with wild animals in the area. Currently the documentary is in it's post production phase.

Click above to download the public version of the reconnaisance report by the Nature People Network.

Report to DFO.jpeg

Shreyansh Budhia, founder of the Nature People Network presenting the Reconnaisance Report to the DFO, Katghora, Chhatisgarh.

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