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Our Work

Our work spans diverse landscapes, with a focus on getting the ecosystem conserved with the help of local communities. This includes rewilding and rehabilitation of these landscapes. Our flagship program is the 30X30 Conservation Accelerator Program which encompasses various projects.


The 30X30 Conservation Accelerator program is an accelerator program working with individuals, local communities, and grassroots organizations to conserve landscapes adjacent to their locations across G20 countries and the African Union. The accelerator program emphasizes on empowering local individuals and conservationists as a key component in conserving places and developing conservation models centered around communities. The program offers proposal development insights, landscape management insights, governance models training, and conservation project management and training related services to local communities and conservationists. It works across multiple disciplines to help communities develop local economy centered conservation approaches that help biodiversity, target ecosystems, and ultimately, the local people.



The Nature People Network worked together with the Gram Sabha of Belgahana village on a revolutionary conservation effort that led to the creation of a River Sanctuary Constitution declaring the Ghongha river as a sanctuary. It is for the first time in India that a village council has passed resolution to conserve the river flowing in its area by declaring it as a river sanctuary.
It was through joint efforts, advocacy and dedication that this joint initiative now plays a huge role in safeguarding the river flowing through the village.

Bear and Hyena Sanctuary 

The Nature People Network is currently trying to get a small piece of land conserved with the help of local Gram Sabha. The land has confirmed presence of sloth bears. Currently a documentary is in the process of making which will help raise awareness about the said habitat at higher levels. A reconnaisance report by the Nature People Network also confirmed the presence of hyenas in the said habitat.

Rangdum Cover

​Kargil and The Western Himalayas

​The Nature People Network's conservation in Western Himalayas focuses on Rangdum Wetlands. Our current project focuses on an area of 5000 sq kms. The project includes a scientific and academic assessment of flora and invertebrate fauna, along with community engagement to discuss issues on conservation in the region. Furthermore, the Nature People Network also plans to work on mitigation of snow leopard-human conflict. 

​#BhediyaMitraGram: An Initiative for Wolves, Hyenas, and all Wild Canids

A Gujarat initiative to help communities become tolerant of wolves, hyenas, and other canids that call their communities home. Focus is on a 30 km wolf corridor stretch connecting Velavadar National Park to the Little Rann of Kutch landscape. The project aims to showcase link between wolves and their benefit to the local agrarian economy.


Rewilding a piece of tiger territory

An attempt to rewild a tiny 5 acre farm with a perrenial flowing stream next to a forest in central India. The farmland used to be a forest that was eventually cleared and converted to an agricultural plot. Our attempt is to rewild it again and return it back to nature with help from local community members.

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